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submit a tax return中文是什么意思

用"submit a tax return"造句"submit a tax return"怎么读"submit a tax return" in a sentence


  • 报送纳税申报表


  • Complete and submit a tax return for reporting rental income
  • Complete and submit a tax return for reporting business profits loss
  • What is the estimated time required for submitting a tax return - individuals and property tax return through telefiling
  • A taxpayer who earns income outside china shall pay the tax due to the state treasury and submit a tax return to the tax authorities within 30 days after the end of each year
  • Do i have to bear any legal consequence by submitting a tax return with my password ? will i be penalized for an incorrect tax return that is submitted by using my password which has been compromised
  • The basis of assessment is stated . you will know at a glance whether the assessment is based on the tax return filed or it is an estimated assessment . for an estimated assessment , made in the absence of a tax return , you are also reminded to file a timely objection against the assessment and submit a tax return
  • The basis of assessment is stated . a taxpayer will know at a glance whether the assessment is based on the tax return filed or whether it is an estimated assessment . for an estimated assessment , made in the absence of a tax return , the taxpayer is also reminded to file a timely objection against the assessment and submit a tax return
用"submit a tax return"造句  
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